North Pole - Ski the Last Degree

Skier2 SL
Pressure ridge SL
Heli SL

It is difficult to describe the visual richness of the soft arctic light, the variety and detail in snow crystals and the ever-changing colours of the ice that are features of polar travel.

An expedition to the top of the world is an amazing experience and this is an epic undertaking that really has to be experienced first-hand to be believed.

Whilst most of us do not have the time to complete the entire North Pole adventure, we can still participate in a high intensity but relatively short duration journey by skiing the Last Degree to the North Pole. We offer a standard expedition as well as a highly supported option.

We fly by light aircraft from Longyearbyen in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard to land on the ice at 89º North and the start of the trek. Initially, we partake in a training program to introduce all the skills you will need to prepare you for the journey ahead, allowing time to attend to last minute details before getting started on the expedition itself.

The challenge comes from the ever-changing sea ice that moves constantly, making for interesting navigation and physical travel days, with daily journeys of seven to ten hours. We celebrate appropriately on reaching the North Pole and the very top of our precious world. We then arrange a pick-up that will soon see us reunited with a hot shower and the joys of civilization.

Standard vs Highly Supported Expeditions
Adventure Consultants offers two different options for your North Pole - Ski the Last Degree expedition. Our Highly Supported trips allow you to complete your expedition with a more concentrated guiding ratio. These expeditions are run at a maximum 1:2 ratio, whereas our Standard expeditions are run at a guide-to-client ratio of 1:4. On both expeditions, members are expected to haul both personal and communal gear so must arrive in good physical condition.

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  • Travel over the sea ice to the top of the world
  • Immerse yourself in extreme wilderness
  • Learn polar travel skills
  • Highly supported option available

Polar Experience

Polar Experience




Sea Level



13 or 15 days





Arrive in Longyearbyen and transfer by shuttle to the lodge. Team members congregate at a welcome reception and dinner.

Final equipment review. A busy day as we ready our gear, review expedition expectations and procedures. This is the last chance to work out any kinks before we take to the ice! We’ll review our personal gear and ready all our equipment for the flight. The late afternoon and evening are our final opportunity to grab any last-minute necessities in town.
From Longyearbyen, we will travel by charter aircraft to Barneo, the eclectic Russian research camp located at approximately 89° North. This flight takes approximately 2½ hours. Upon arriving at Barneo we will either strap on our skis and depart immediately for the North Pole or set up our tents and depart the following morning. Barneo is located on the floating pack ice and its precise location varies. There is a possibility that we may opt to get flown to another suitable departure point depending on the current location and conditions around Barneo. Our guides will review ice conditions and recent drift to determine the best departure point.
DAY 4 - 10

Ski north towards the North Pole! Days are spent skiing and taking relatively short breaks, whilst evenings are spent setting up camp, preparing meals and relaxing with fellow expedition team members. For the next seven to nine days we’ll travel by ski and sled, manoeuvring our way around open water leads and over pressure ridges. We’ll ski between 7–10 hours every day (actual length depends on weather and ice conditions). At night we’ll camp on solid ‘old’ ice and cook meals in our tents. Your family and friends will be able to follow your daily progress, as well as share messages with the team using our online Expedition Tracker. All team members will be required to participate in all aspects of the expedition, including setting up camp, cooking and using the stoves to melt water, etc. We will help you learn these skills.
The extreme conditions of the polar environment demand that each person is well organised and able to maintain both an appropriate body temperature and adequate reserves of energy. This is where all of your physical training, mental preparation and time spent acquiring the best clothing and equipment will pay off.

DAY 11

Arrive at the geographic North Pole! Enjoy a celebration with champagne and photos. Call home and share the moment with friends or family!
Standing at the top of the world, where everything on Earth lies south of your location, we’ll make toasts to celebrate our accomplishment. Many people bring flags, banners or signs to plant at the top of the world for photos. We camp overnight in the vicinity of the North Pole.

DAY 12

Weather depending, we’ll get picked up by a helicopter that same day and head back to Barneo, then onto Longyearbyen. We may end up spending the night at Barneo, depending on timing and conditions. Back in Longyearbyen, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy hot showers, fine cuisine, access to phones and the internet, plus time to meander through town. A farewell dinner and a comfortable night at the hotel will be a memorable occasion!

DAY 13
Enjoy a breakfast at the Longyearbyen hotel. Transport to the airport for your flights home!

Flights to and from the Arctic are subject to weather. Delays can, and often do, occur therefore it is important to allow some flexibility with airline travel arrangements at the end of the expedition.

Every effort will be made to ensure the expedition itinerary is adhered to but the Arctic is amongst the most remote and isolated regions on earth. The above program is subject to change as we may be affected by weather conditions and aircraft serviceability and other factors out of the hands of Adventure Consultants or its staff and contractors. While every effort is made to ensure the expedition is run to schedule, acceptance onto the expedition is based on your acceptance of those conditions. Having stated that, our expeditioning track record is unparalleled but it is a sign of our respect for the Arctic’s environmental omnipotence that we alert you to the possibilities.

Departures and Pricing

Note: Dates are subject to change due to many factors out of our control
Start/End Pricing Book
North Pole SLD Highly Supported POA
North Pole SLD Standard Departure €53,000 EUR $
Polar Shakedown Training $3,950 USD $ Book Now
Polar Shakedown Training POA

Looking for a specific date? Book a private expedition 



An essential ingredient for participants is physical fortitude for working hard in a high-altitude, cold-weather environment, hence each member must be extremely strong and healthy. Team members will haul sleds weighing (initially) around 75kg/165lb of personal and group equipment and provisions. Each day will be long and arduous, and all team members must possess sufficient strength and fitness to be able to contribute to establishing camp, putting up tents, and cook meals after a hard day. This can only be achieved with considerable and focused physical preparation.

Technical Experience

Team members must be conversant in winter camping skills which includes putting up tents and camping in the snow and cooking with lightweight mountain stoves. Team members must have a full awareness of their personal parameters in extreme environments such as their food intake and hydration needs, thermo-regulation and avoidance of cold-weather-injury. Team members must have previous polar travel experience or have completed a polar travel course.

Skiing Experience

Team members must have previous polar travel experience or have completed a polar travel course.

Why Adventure Consultants?

Adventure Consultants is renowned for the quality of its service and strategy applied to high altitude expedition climbing and polar travel. Our reputation is attributed to meticulous planning and experienced logistics coordination. We have a philosophy of investing in every expedition to offer our climbers the best possible chance of success.

We employ strong and specialised Expedition leaders and support staff, whom are some of the most pre-eminent in the industry. We pride ourselves on operating with small teams, the best back-up and support available. This includes nutritious and ample quantities of food, comfortable base camp facilities, reliable communications systems and the necessary medical back up.

Many of our expedition members come to us because they have seen us in action on a previous trip and decide to opt for our level of service and proven experience. Others return because they know we do our very best to make expeditions safe and successful.


The price of your trip includes the following:

  • Flights to and from Barneo camp in the Arctic
  • Flights from the North Pole back to Barneo
  • All group equipment including sleds, cooking gear etc
  • Tents and food while in the Arctic
  • Guide
  • Access to our satellite telephone for outgoing calls
  • Dispatch webpage updated throughout the trip for friends & family to follow
  • Transport of 23kg/51lbs of personal equipment.

The North Pole is an ever-changing ice-scape where navigation and constant diligence is key.

Skier3 SL

If you push yourself physically on a regular basis and are solid in cold weather survival skills, this expedition is for you.

Sleds SL

Many factors come into play to make an expedition to the North Pole a success and sometimes our patience is stretched when we are challenged by factors such as logistics and weather. But if we make sound and sensible decisions our outcomes are more certain and that requires experience and temperament.

Tent SL

"I can’t recommend the company more highly, for your professionalism, organisation, level of communication before, during and after the expedition, level of experience of the guides, safety record, systems."

Mareike Miller, Australia
Heli SL

"AC is one of the brands I trust the most and I’d definitely recommend you to anyone looking to do something similar."

Tom Stuart, UK
2pax SL

"I would certainly recommend AC… competent, experienced staff, terrific personalities aware of dangers and helpful to all. The best organisation I have dealt get what you pay for."

Dianne Walker, Australia
Skier tow sleds across the vast expanse of interior Antarctica to the South Pole.

Appreciate what qualities the early explorers such as Amundsen, Scott and Shackleton possessed as you ski the Last Degree of latitude into South Pole.

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